Tuesday, January 28, 2020

How to become MOS certified

How to become MOScertified ?MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist) is the largest Microsoft certification program in the world, which qualifies users to use the Office suite tools (Access, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote, Sharepoint and Outlook). Approximately one million users are certified annually in more than 140 countries.
The Microsoft Certification exams test candidates with questions that simulate real problems and advanced knowledge of the Office suite tools. Candidates have 90 minutes to complete the exam and the maximum score is 1,000 points. To obtain the certificate, each exam has a minimum score required. For example, in Word, the minimum score is 700 points. All young people who take the certification tests are eligible to apply for a place in the Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship.
The certifications you manage to pass become part of your track record, and recruiters can consult the Microsoft website for the authenticity of these certificates. According to research by CompTIA, a specialist in IT training and certifications, eight out of ten HR executives check certifications among candidates for the vacancy and 91% of managers who hire take certification into account as part of the hiring criteria.
In addition to these data, a recent IDC Research study found that skills like Microsoft Office are in third place among more than 200 skills required for tomorrow's best jobs, just behind essential oral and written communication skills and attention to detail.
In Brazil, more than 90% of companies use Windows, Office and Explorer as work tools, making them the main prerequisite for many job openings. In 2015, student Pamela Vitor, from People Leme (SP) , was the champion of the Excel modality and competed in the World stage in Dallas, in the United States.

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